Twindemic Preparation for the PAD Patient

The flu season is fast approaching and with Covid still in circulation, experts warn of a “twindemic” that could hit our hospitals and healthcare system in the United States extremely hard. But the good news is that there are things you can do if you have PAD or vascular disease to navigate your way through this winter's flu and Covid season.

If you have not gotten vaccinated, now is the time to do it! People who have PAD with another condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, are at greater risk of contracting Covid and suffering profound consequences from the disease. 

If it has been more than six months since you got the double dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson, you should consider getting the Covid booster along with your annual flu shot. This way, you are doubly prepared for the approaching “twindemic.”

Besides vaccinations, it is especially important to practice a proper handwashing technique by wetting your hands, applying soap, and scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to scrub on top of your hands, in between your fingers, rinse for 10 seconds, and dry thoroughly. 

While some areas in the United States are experiencing a decline in Covid cases because of vaccinations, we still recommend social distancing and wearing a mask until this pandemic is completely in the rear-view mirror, especially with flu season upon us.

Once you are vaccinated, you need to make sure you are on top of your health treatments and doctor visits. Proper PAD treatment means staying in regular communication with your doctor. Prevention, vaccinations, avoiding sick people, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and getting regular exercise are effective ways to keep yourself healthy this flu season.

It would be a wise idea to measure your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygenation rates at home and record them daily. Knowing your baseline blood pressure and heart rate is also important while you are recording your daily results. If your vitals seem too high or too low, or if you have a fever or increased pain, it is important to let your doctor know. Your doctor will help keep you one step ahead of any complications that may occur due to having vascular disease. Staying healthy during this year's "twindemic" is going to require a team effort, so we all must do our part.


Vitamin D and PAD


The Two Stages of PAD